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Puede encontrar la información de la ruta a continuación. Todo lo que necesita saber es el número de ruta asignado a su hijo.

ZenBUS _ Bus ETA - Apps on Google Play.png

Once you have the app, follow the next steps and you'll be good to go:

Enter the Primary User's Phone Number.

This should match the phone number listed in Skyward.

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Enter the OTP code sent to your Phone Number.



Once you've entered the code, you'll be verified.​


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From the drop-down menu on the following page choose "kwrl"


If you have only one rider, you should now see the bus (when in operation). If you have multiple riders, you'll be able to choose which one to track at any time.



1. How long does it take to activate BusETA?

Downloading the app and logging in should take less than 5 minutes.


2. What information do I need to to access BusETA?


Just the phone number you have listed as your contact number in Skyward. (See instructions above for the login process)


3. If more than one parent or guardian has cell phone numbers in the Skyward profile, does the BusETA app use only the primary first phone number for login or does it recognize multiple phone numbers?


The App does it's best to find the phone number for each guardian, depending upon what's in Skyward.  If one of the guardian's contact numbers is a cell phone it will use that. If additional guardians have separate cell numbers in Skyward, that's what will be in BusETA. Try to log in with your own cell phone number first. If that's not recognized you can either update your contact information in Skyward (and wait 24 hours or so for that to filter through into the Portal and ETA) or try using the Primary's phone number.


4. If I have more than one student riding the same bus does BusETA track the 2nd, 3rd, etc. student or only the 1st student?


Parents are connected to each of their students. If they have 3 kids there are 3 connections.


5. If I have multiple students riding on different buses can I track them both at the same time?


The parent/guardian will see each route in the app, with he names of each student, and will be able to switch between routes.

Declaración De No Discriminación:

El Distrito de Escuelas Público de Woodland no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, origen nacional, edad, condición de veterano o militar, orientación sexual, expresión de género, identidad de género, discapacidad o uso de un perro guía o animal de servicio entrenado y proporciona igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. Los siguientes empleados han sido designados para manejar preguntas y quejas de presunta discriminación:


Vicky Barnes, Oficial de Título IX, Cordinadora de Derechos Civiles y Oficial de Acción Afirmativa, 800 Second St. Woodland, WA 98674, , (360) 841-2702



Puede denunciar la discriminación y el acoso discriminatorio a cualquier miembro del personal de la escuela o al Cordinador de Derechos Civiles del distrito, mencionado anteriormente. También tiene derecho a presentar una queja. Para obtener una copia de la política y el procedimiento contra la discriminación de su distrito, comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela o distrito o véalo en línea en .


KWRL facility hours:

5:30 AM to 5:00 PM by telephone

In person visits by appointment only for on site safety and to protect student confidentiality



989 Frazier Lane

Woodland WA 98674

Oficina: 360.841.2023

Fax: 360.841.2024

Necesidades Especiales: 360.841.2035

Se habla español: 360.841.2036


© KWRL Transportation CO-OP | 989 Frazier Lane, Woodland, WA 98674 | P 360.841.2023 | F 360.841.2024

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